Sire: Bettors Delight
Dam: Heathers Western
Broodmare Sire: Western Hanover
p,2,1:51.4; 3,1:47.2 – $2,238,518
Dark Bay Horse, 15.3 Hands
Fastest 3YO Colt & All-Age Stallion ever sired by Bettor’s Delight
AGE | STARTS | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | EARNINGS | TIME |
2 | 12 | 6 | 2 | 2 | $540,422 | 1:51.4 |
3 | 15 | 14 | 1 | 0 | $1,698,096 | 1:47.2 |
TOTAL | 27 | 20 | 3 | 2 | $2,238,096 | 1:47.2 |
At 2 – 6 Wins for $411,675
At 3 – 14 Wins for $1,467,386
Australasian Performers
WINDY HILL TARA (M) 2,1:58; 3,1:55.5 ($144,000)
BETTING LINE – Miss Artistic Tara – Artistic Fella
* 2023 GROUP 1 NSW Oaks
* 2022 GROUP 2 Bathurst Gold Tiara Consolation
MY ULTIMATE LEVI 2,1:55.6 ($102,000)
BETTING LINE – Victree Bonita – Art Major
* 2022 GROUP 1 Albion Park Gold 2YO Final
SAINT VERAN 2,1:55.4; 3,1:52.4 ($110,000)
BETTING LINE – Sheezallattitude – Art Major
* 2021 GROUP 3 NSW Breeders Challenge Western Region Final
* 2021 Goulburn Sapling Stakes
AURORA JOY (M) 2,1:58.8 ($45,000)
BETTING LINE – Walking On Air – Art Major
* 2022 GROUP 2 Australian Pacing Gold Bullion 2YO Fillies Final
DIAMOND SHOOZ (M) 2,1:57.6 ($40,000)
BETTING LINE – Art Start – Perfect Art
* 2022 GROUP 2 Vicbred Platinum Home Grown Classic 2YO Fillies Final
North American Performers
ABUCKABETT HANOVER 2,1:50.3; 3,1:49.1 ($889,000)
BETTING LINE – All Tucked Up – Western Ideal
* 2021 Simcoe Stake Division – Woodbine Mohawk Park
* 2021 Adios Stake Elimination – The Meadows
* 2020 Nassagaweya Stake Division – Woodbine Mohawk Park
LINEDRIVE HANOVER 2,1:49 ($336,000)
BETTING LINE – Lillian Hanover – Well Said
* 2022 $273,000 Charles Juravinski Memorial – Flamboro Downs
DEAN B HANOVER 2,1:552.1; 3,1:50.3 ($288,000)
BETTING LINE – Deli Beach – Somebeachsomewhere
* 2021 $85,000 Dream Maker Final – Woodbine Mohawk Park
In Australasia, BETTING LINE is the sire of 155 winning progeny with Australian earnings of a total of $5M. Here are some of his best performers:
WINDY HILL TARA (M) 2,1:58.0; 3,1:55.5; 1:53.3 ($197,000) – 7 Wins. At 2, GRP 2 Bathurst Gold Tiara Consolation. At 3, GROUP 1 NSW Oaks. (Artistic Fella)
SOVRANA 2,1:58.9; 3,1:56.3 ($147,000) – 9 Wins. At 3, winner of GR2 Daintys Daughter. (Northern Luck)
SAINT VERAN 2,1:55.4; 3,1:52.4 ($132,000) – 14 Wins. At 2, GR 3 NSW Breeders Challenge Western Region heat and final, NSW Breeders Challenge 2YO C&G Series heat, Goulburn Sapling Stakes. At 3, GR3 NSWBC Western Region 3YO C&G heat & Final, heat Bathurst Gold Chalice. (Art Major)
NOT AS PROMISED TR1:59.6 ($131,000) – 59 Wins. At 3, GROUP 1 Victorian Trotters Derby, GROUP 1 Breeders Crown 3YO Trot Championship. (Albert Albert)
MY ULTIMATE LEVI 2,1:55.6 ($115,000) – 6 Wins. At 2, GROUP 1 AP Gold 2YO Final. At 3, LC Northern Region Championship Final (Art Major)
IYLAC PAKARIA (M) 2,1:57.8 ($115,000) – 7 Wins. At 2, GR2 Evicus Final, LC 2YO Fillies Sweepstakes Final. (Modern Art)
SOVRANA (M) 2,1:58.9; 3,1:56.3 ($113,000) – 7 Wins. At 2, heat 2YO Diamond Classic. At 3, GR2 Dainty’s Daughter, 3YO Fillies MS Pace. (Northern Luck)
AURORA JOY (M) 2,1:58.8; 3,1:55.7 ($75,000) – 6 Wins. At 2, GR 2 APG Gold Bullion 2YO Fillies Final. (Art Major)
DIAMOND SHOOZ (M) 2,1:57.6; 1:54.6 ($68,000) – 4 Wins. At 2, GR2 Vicbred Platinum Home Grown Classic 2YO Fillies Final. (Perfect Art)
ALCOPONY 2,1:57.9; 3,1:57.7 ($209,000) – 12 Wins. At 2, second Listed Classic 2YO C&G Western Crown. (Sportswriter)
SOHO SERAPHINE (M) 2,1:55.7 ($201,000) – 8 Wins. At 2, Express 2YO Classic. At 3, NSW Oaks Heat (Mach Three)
WHOS THE DAD 2,1:59.1; 3,1:57.9; 1:53.0 ($154,000) – 12 Wins. (Rock N Roll Heaven)
COMET CRUSADER NZ 2,1:55.7; 3,1:54.3, OS1:50.0 ($100,000) – 12 Wins. (Badlands Hanover)
DANNEMORA NZ 1:54.5 ($99,000) – 9 Wins. (Christian Cullen)
BET ON THE TIGER NZ 2,1:56.3 ($89,000) – 9 Wins. (Presidential Ball)
WHATARETHEODDS 2,1:55.5 ($87,000) – 6 Wins. At 2, heats 2YO C&G Sales Classic and 2YO Pearl, De Campo Memorial. (Mach Three)
YOUNGGIFTEDANDBLACK NZ 1:54.9 ($78,000) – 7 Wins. (Art Major)
OUR GEORGE BOSTON 2,1:57.8; 3,1:56.2; 1:55.0 ($73,000) – 10 Wins. At 2, HRNSW 2YO Guaranteed. At 3, multiple MS pace. (Village Jasper)
COMMANDER BUZZ 2,1:55.8; 3,1:55.6 ($67,000) – 6 Wins. At 2, heat Vicbred Platinum Home Grown Classic. At three, second in GR1 Bathurst Gold Chalice Final. (Torado Hanover)
ISTHISJUSTFANTASY 3,1:58.4 ($30,000) – 4 Wins. At 3, Garrard’s Gold Chalice. (Jeremes Jet)
In North America, BETTING LINE is the sire of 147 sub-1:55 winners and earners of over $18.5m. Here are some of his best performers:
ABUCKABETT HANOVER 2,1:50.3; 3,1:49.1 ($889,068) 12 wins. At 2, winner of Champlain S. div at Woodbine Mohawk Park, Metro Pace elim at Woodbine Mohawk Park, Nassagaweya S. div at Woodbine Mohawk Park, PASS div at Pocono Downs. At 3, winner of Adios S. elim at The Meadows, Messenger S. elim at Yonkers, PASS div at Pocono Downs, div at Harrahs Philadelphia, Simcoe S. div at Woodbine Mohawk Park, Tattersalls Pace at The Red Mile. Now 4, winner of The Graduate at The Meadowlands. (Western Ideal)
LINEDRIVE HANOVER 2,1:49 ($336,500) 11 wins. Now 4, winner of Previously Confederation Cup final at Flamboro Downs, Snowshoe Pacing Series leg at Woodbine Mohawk Park, final at Woodbine Mohawk Park; second in Previously Confederation Cup elim at Flamboro Downs; third in Graduate final at The Meadowlands. (Well Said)
DEAN B HANOVER 2,1:52.1; 3,1:50.3 ($288,185) 10 wins. At 2, winner of Dream Maker Series leg at Woodbine Mohawk Park, final at Woodbine Mohawk Park. At 3, winner of PA Stallion Series div at The Meadows. (Somebeachsomewhere)
DARBY HANOVER (M) 2,1:52.4; 3,1:51.3; 1:50.3 ($271,371) 11 wins. At 2, winner of John Simpson Memorial div at Harrahs Philadelphia, Keystone Classic div at The Meadows, PA Stallion Series div (twice) at The Meadows, div at Pocono Downs. At 3, winner of PA Stallion Series div at Pocono Downs. (Yankee Cruiser)
PAULAS BET HANOVER (M) 2,1:55.1; 3,1:52.3 ($234,359) 3 wins. At 2, second in MATRON div at Dover Downs. At 3, third in Jugette S. div at Delaware County Fair. (Pro Bonos Best)
MILIEU HANOVER (M) 2,1:55.2; 3,1:51 ($217,153) 10 wins. At 3, winner of Bobby Weiss Series leg at Pocono Downs. (Mach Three)
CAVIART LOTUS 3,1:49.4 ($197,540) 7 wins. At 3, winner of KY Commonwealth Series div at The Red Mile, KY Commwealty Series div at The Red Mile. (Artsplace)
NIGHT HAWK 2,1:52; 3,1:48.4 ($185,306) 5 wins. At 2, winner of PASS div at The Meadows, div at Harrahs Philadelphia. Now 3, winner of Pa All Stars div at Pocono Downs, Pass div at Pocono Downs. (Somebeachsomewhere)
BET NINTEEN 2,1:52.3; 3,1:50.2 ($153,579) 14 wins. At 2, winner of PA Stallion Series div at Pocono Downs. (Western Ideal)
TARKIO 2,1:54; 3,1:50.3 ($142,493) 11 wins. At 3, winner of Bobby Weiss Series leg at Pocono Downs. Now 4, winner of Open at Dover Downs. (Art Major)
LET ER BUCK (M) 2,1:53.4; 3,1:52.2 ($140,062) 5 wins. At 2, winner of Liberty Bell div at Harrahs Philadelphia, PASS div at The Meadows, div at Harrahs Philadelphia. At 3, winner of Landmark S. div at Historic Track. (Western Hanover)
JM BETONSIX (M) 3,1:52.3 ($139,344) 9 wins. At 3, second in Niagara Pacing Series leg at Woodbine Mohawk Park. (Art Major)
IMAGINARY LINE 3,1:50.3; 1:49.3 ($131,148) 9 wins. At 3, winner of Home Grown div at Freehold, NJSS-Std Development Fund div at Freehold, leg at Freehold. (Dragon Again)
BET MINE 2,1:52.3; 3,1:52.2; 1:52.1 ($127,043) 12 wins. Now 4, winner of Open at Hoosier Park; second in Open at Hawthorne, (twice) at Hoosier Park. (Badlands Hanover)
HOOD PARTY (M) 2,1:52.2 ($119,976) 5 wins. At 2, winner of Kindergarten S. div at The Meadowlands, PASS cons at The Meadows, The Liberty Bell div at Harrahs Philadelphia. Now 3, winner of Pa Stallion Series div at The Meadows. (Yankee Cruiser)
RIFLEMAN 2, 1:51.2 ($116,407) 7 wins. At 2, winner of PA Stallion Series div at The Meadows, div at Pocono Downs. At 3, winner of PA Stallion Series div at The Meadows, div at Harrahs Philadelphia. (Rocknroll Hanover)